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Pastor Installation

(February 27, 2022)

Sunday, February 27, was Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday when Jesus took Peter, James and John to the mountain top where they met Moses and Elijah. The experience Jesus's disciples had was awesome even to the point of Peter saying let's just stay here. St Paul "Buffalo Creek" rural Tilden too had an outstanding worship experience during their 10:45 service. Pastor James Wonnacott installed Pastor Barry Williams as Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church with Pastor Phil Bach and the congregation as witnesses. Pastor Williams was blessed to have all of his children (from Columbus, Omaha, and Kansas City) with him to help him celebrate. A potluck dinner and fellowship followed the worship service in the church basement with everyone enjoying all the fine foods provided by the members of the congregation. Like Peter in the Transfiguration story; we, as congregation members, could have joined in saying, "Let us just stay here!" We ask the blessing of Our Lord upon Pastor Barry Williams as he now shepherds the people of both St. Paul Lutheran Church, Buffalo Creek, and St. John Lutheran Church, Green Garden.

Article Written by: Clee Wolske

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