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Game Night

(March 13, 2022)

Fun and laughter filled the church basement at St. Paul Lutheran Church (Buffalo Creek) Sunday evening, March 13, 2022.  Before everyone arrived to play games, many helped put together 36 hygiene kits that will go to the Orphan Grain Train and then on to Poland to assist the Ukrainian refugees.  It was then time to start game night. A prayer was given followed by a light supper.  People from Meadow Grove, Newman Grove, and Tilden areas brought their favorite game to share with others.  Many new games were learned along with great fellowship.  Everyone was having so much fun that it was difficult to end the evening, but by 10:30 pm it was time to say our goodbyes. All are definitely looking forward to scheduling another game night in the future.

Article & Photos by: Clee Wolske

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